I have two dads. The first one being the one that I've known all of my life. My bio dad. He disappeared from my life for 14 years. He finally resurfaced again a couple of years ago. His reasons were vague but they're all I have. Shortly after reconnecting he "disappeared" again for a few months. Having already thought he was dead at one point, I didn't really think much about it. After getting in touch with him yet again, I found out that he'd been in the hospital for a couple of months. Now, the last I heard from him was April 3. The day after my birthday. He replied back to an email where I asked if he'd be interested in seeing his granddaughter when she came to visit me and my husband. He said he would be. And I haven't heard from him since. I've been trying to contact him for a few weeks now. To no avail. I've tried to call him on both his home and cell number today...to wish him a happy father's day. No answer.

My other dad is Randy. Randy's awesome. I've known Randy for about 6 years. Just before he and my mom got married. I'd have to say that Randy has been there more for me emotionally than my bio dad ever has. I'm so lucky that he's in my mom's (and therefore MY) life. He's offered to help my husband and I in many ways. He's very giving. He gains pleasure through helping others. He's not jealous. He's supportive. He's just....Randy!
So...to my two dads...happy father's day. I wouldn't be who I am today without either of you.
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