Sunday, June 20, 2010
You know...I finally got a hold of my dad a few minutes ago. I think I'd have been better off had I not. He really needs to quit with his whole attitude because I'm the only family he's got that's on his side.
He answered and I expressed my surprise and shock that he did. He proceeded to tell me that he never answers his phone nor looks at it because nobody ever calls him. So I tell him, if nobody ever calls maybe when it DOES ring he should look at it because it's probably important! Then I proceeded to say that I'd been trying to contact him via email for the past several weeks, as well. He tells me that he didn't get them. When pressed he claims it didn't say my name. He has the same Mac that I do...and I put myself in his address book...if he gets an email from me it says my name. He claimed it didn't and therefore he deleted it. Sigh.
I started to say that I was planning a trip out there to see him but he interrupted me and said he knew why I was calling, to wish him a happy fathers day, there I'd say it and don't need to now and it's over with.
I asked him why the attitude and he claimed he didn't have one. Sigh.
I told him that we were wanting to go over the hill to see him again in a few weeks and he said that we can stop in and say hello and leave if we want but he wasn't going to go out to eat with us again because he needs to lose weight. Uh yeah....if we go out to eat he never needed to order the huge ass steak and potatoes and shit. I've always ordered salads!
Needless to say the phone call ended 4 minutes after it began...with my blood pressure sky high (still is!) and me pissed off at him. I'm trying to reach out to him...but if he doesn't want it then fuck him.

He answered and I expressed my surprise and shock that he did. He proceeded to tell me that he never answers his phone nor looks at it because nobody ever calls him. So I tell him, if nobody ever calls maybe when it DOES ring he should look at it because it's probably important! Then I proceeded to say that I'd been trying to contact him via email for the past several weeks, as well. He tells me that he didn't get them. When pressed he claims it didn't say my name. He has the same Mac that I do...and I put myself in his address book...if he gets an email from me it says my name. He claimed it didn't and therefore he deleted it. Sigh.
I started to say that I was planning a trip out there to see him but he interrupted me and said he knew why I was calling, to wish him a happy fathers day, there I'd say it and don't need to now and it's over with.
I asked him why the attitude and he claimed he didn't have one. Sigh.
I told him that we were wanting to go over the hill to see him again in a few weeks and he said that we can stop in and say hello and leave if we want but he wasn't going to go out to eat with us again because he needs to lose weight. Uh yeah....if we go out to eat he never needed to order the huge ass steak and potatoes and shit. I've always ordered salads!
Needless to say the phone call ended 4 minutes after it began...with my blood pressure sky high (still is!) and me pissed off at him. I'm trying to reach out to him...but if he doesn't want it then fuck him.
Labels: Rant
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Not to make excuses... but my Dad sounds a lot like that. First, he is younger than your Dad but not computer literate AT ALL... could he be honest when saying he is having trouble with email??? My dad won't even attempt it lol.
Second- We haven't talked in about 6 months until today. But that has become normal for me. The older he gets, the more antisocial he gets. I mean bad. he is so uncomfertable around people, and would act the same way about dinner. Not because he doesn't want to go out with me, but becasue he has such anxiety about being around people in public. Could this be your dads problem? If you go over there maybe he will enjoy your company as long as you don't make him go out??? Just a suggestion...
but if not than yeah your right, fuck it.
I'm glad you have your other Dad in your life :)
We've emailed back and forth in the I don't believe the email thing. I don't know what the issue was there. Frankly...I can't let myself care.
As for not wanting to go out...he has put on some weight lately. And he's a fanatic about it. He always had a beer belly when I was growing up and then he lost it after my folks divorced. He's been an exercising fool since...except lately he's been adding MORE and MORE beer to the diet and the same amount of exercise. You know what happens then... He was so wigged about it that he installed security cams in his apartment thinking someone was breaking in and adding stuff to his food to make him gain weight. (Obviously not the case.)
Anyhoo...he's messed up. I try to look past it...but...sigh.
Really!?!?! security cameras!?!?! well, I guess you're right!
You tried and that's all you can do.
Yeah, security cameras. It was kind of humorous, actually. He had my husband help install them. We had to remain deadpan in the face till we left....but Oh, my, god....we had such a laugh when we left. He thought people were breaking in and messing with his food...and wearing his SHOES. *Shaking head*
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