Friday, February 5, 2010

The beginning of the end

Today I began Isagenix...again.  I had tremendous success the first time that I was on it and lost 60 pounds.  But then I had my gallbladder removed and then moved to Utah and I ended up gaining it all back plus some.  So I'm back on it and determined that this time is it.  It's actually not a bad weight loss plan to be on.  You don't starve.  Well, unless you're doing a cleanse.  And I'm doing what is called the 9 day cleanse.  It begins with two cleanse days where you drink this *ahem* yummy!!! (not) fruit juicy stuff.  It makes me gag just thinking about it!  BUT I drink it because I know what it does for me.  It removes all of the bad toxins and stuff.  So during the normal dieting you just cleanse one day per week...but the 9 day cleanse is kind of a kick start to the program.

So all day today I've been alone at home and bored.  And I eat when I'm bored.  So many times I said to myself...just have something.  Nobody will know!  And then the angel on the other shoulder was like "YOU will know!"  So needless to say I've stuck to my diet perfectly today.  I had an apple (allowed) this afternoon and just had 2 hard boiled eggs (also allowed) for my dinner.  In about 10 minutes I'll be drinking the last of the cleanse for the day and then it'll be back to the cleanse tomorrow.  It sure makes me appreciate the snacks that are allowed during the regular dieting phase.  White cheese, raw almonds, eggs, tuna, carrots, celery...basically anything healthy for you.  But the cleanse days do suck.  They just do.

I also entered into what is called the IsaChallenge.  You win by a combination of essay, weight loss, etc.  I'm really stoked because I think I have a good chance of winning.  It's one of the things that I see as a coming reward.  Part of the winnings is a lot of cash, a 5 day trip to San Diego where we'll be staying in the Marriott.  It's been a very long time since Kurt and I have had a chance to get out on a vacation together.  It'll be fun.  Of course it's not a sure thing yet....but I'm determined.  And if I say I'll win then I will.  Power of attraction, right?

Official starting weight (I know this seems redundant): 313
Short term goal: 300
Long term goal: 180


Anonymous said...

I hate to be negative, but its highly unlikely Isagenix will work long term. Like your previous experience, you may have initial weight loss but their will ALWAYS be some life event that sidetracks you back to where you were. You HAVE TO learn how to eat properly all the time and make physical activity part of your life. There is no other option. That is the ONLY way. I think you know this. It can be done and has been done (by me, for one). I know it's not easy and not what you want to hear, but you can do it.

Shauna said...

I know where you're coming from and I do understand what you're saying. However I also know many people who have had tremendous, long-term success with Isagenix. I hope to be on that team.

I do know that I need to learn how to manage my meals and calorie intake and exercise. I'm also training myself on those, too. Thanks for the advice!