Sunday, January 2, 2011

Well here it is, the start of the new year. I don't do silly resolutions anymore, as they always seem to drop by the wayside 2 weeks in...what I do is make realistic goals for myself throughout the year. I've achieved so much this past year with my, over 50 pounds and going strong. I wanted so much to start an exercise regime and get my heart healthier but I could just never find that motivation that I needed...I found it, somewhere deep inside me, and now I'm doing awesome with exercising for an hour, 6 days a week. And on the resting day...I actually miss it! Ha. It does get easier the more I lose, though, since the more I lose, the more energy I feel. It all affects the others and creates a nice snowballing effect.

My Hot 100 goals were to drink at least 2.5L of water per day. I am still struggling with this one from time to time, but overall I'm doing rather well with it. Obviously on the weeks that I do better at it, I do see results on the scale.

I also made the goal to keep up my exercise. As I've previously covered above, I'm doing so great with this one. I'm extremely proud of myself for sticking with it, no matter my mood or how little I want to get on from time to time. I figure it is those times that I need it the most and sometimes quite literally have an argument in my head about how much of a quitter I'd be if I didn't get on. That's generally enough right now...I've quit so many times...I don't want to quit this time.

School, well, it's between semesters but I can't wait for the semester to start. I never know quite what to do with myself when school's not in session. Summer kills me. What can I say? I love to learn! I'm really looking forward to my classes coming up. I've signed up for writing fiction (you may have noticed my as yet to be posted on blog), digital photography, and of course, math.

Now for the weigh-in. I went off of my food plan a few times this past week and was actually dreading getting on the scale. I never did stop exercising, though, for which I'm quite happy about. Anyway, I really felt that I'd gained and certainly not lost. However...getting on the scales a little bit ago I was pleasantly gifted with a beautiful loss of THREE pounds! I did say that right...3 pounds! Woohoo!!! Go me!


TinaM said...

I actually made TWO resolutions, and they aren't silly.
Of course resolutions fall to the wayside... if you LET them ;)

56 pounds lost, that is so awesome Shauna! And you did it pretty dang fast!
Great job on the exercise!!! What kind of exercising are you doing?

Keep it up, it will be another awesome year for you :)

Shauna said...

It'd have happened faster if it were up to me...but according to my doctor it's just thankfully I'm on the right track!

I've just been walking on the treadmill, including steep inclines and faster and slower speeds.