Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

Well, this week's weigh-in doesn't prove to be good news. The darn scale claims that I've gained 2 pounds. WTF? I'm blaming in on my skinny lattes. It's pretty much the only thing that I'm doing different. So no more of those for a few weeks! I've been getting plenty of exercise, not only on the treadmill but with walking the dogs down at the shelter. I just hope next week proves to be more fruitful!


FatGirl said...

That sucks, I have a feeling that I will have a gain this week too :( Its TOM for me and I just feel sooo freakin bloated!
Maybe skip the skinny lattes for the next week and see what happens.

I gave you an award on my pgae btw :)

Shauna said...

I'm thinking it's coming up on that for me, as well. I never know for sure due to PCOS but Metformin is helping to regulate better. Hopefully skipping the lattes and my TOTM is the issue. I've got to have hope! :D

WhyNOTme2011 (b) said...

I've found my weight can vary by several pounds without any types of changes in diet. It usually comes back off, but makes my scales a pretty unfavorable object at my house for awhile! Hang in there, write down everything you eat! :)

Shauna said...

This is the second time that it's done this...and it's irritating. I know it was the lack of water and the extra lattes. Haha. This week I've gotten in all of my water each day (3 litres) and have only had one latte. Yay me! I don't plan on getting any more lattes this week. Soooo...if the scale is unfavorable THIS week...well, I'll have quite a few cuss words to mutter at it under my breath! And maybe kick it. That always makes me feel better. :D