Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

I think I'm back in the game! I lost 4.5 pounds this week, bringing my total to officially 60.5 pounds. Woohoo! I'm so relieved to see a loss again this week. I was worried about getting on the scale this morning, but, of course I did it!

This past week was the first week back of the semester. I had a great time. My fave day is definitely M/W with math and photography. My writing class is ok. I need to give it time, I suppose. But nobody in the class is very outgoing, so I find myself getting bored with nobody to make quips with. I do it myself, but's just not the same. I dunno why. The teacher is great, not the most exciting, but he's decent. Like I said, I think I just need to give the class a bit more time.

I am forced to sit in a regular desk in writing, as well. BUT, unlike previous times, I actually FIT behind it enough to still be comfortable. Well, as comfortable as one is when sitting in one of those small desks...but I'm pretty stoked about that!

Being back to school makes it a little more difficult to get in all of my water each day, so I've not been doing so well in that respect. I take water with me, of course, but not wanting to have to run to pee every 10 minutes makes drinking a lot of it out of the question. I"m trying to make a concentrated effort to get it all in when I get home, though, but also, when on go to the SPCA after class on T/Th's I don't get home until after 5, which only leaves the evening to get it in. I'm attempting to work around it...we'll see soon enough, how I do.

Of course, I'm still getting in my daily hour of exercise. I refuse to not do that. Even when I wasn't losing the past few weeks, I was still on my treadmill every day for my 60 minutes of working out. My day just doesn't feel complete without doing so, and I find myself even looking forward to it. It's odd...but I'm glad my mind is thinking that way!


arielcircleofnine said...

congrats on the loss from a fellow short & fluffy chick!