Monday, January 25, 2010

Today's Food Menu

I am so bad at actually eating more than one meal.  It's going to be something I work at along with getting in enough water.

4 Wendy's Jr. Bacon cheeseburgers (I know, I know)
1 Venti Cafe vanilla frappaccino

2 cups of cooked white rice with gravy

So far...not enough water to even equal a bottle and no treadmill.


Anonymous said...

You actually WANT to eat more than just one meal. Remember, that quality is more important than quantity. I will be much easier if you give yourself fruit & veggie snacks in between meals.
Starving yourself will just make the process harder than it needs to be.

Shauna said...

I know...I have a hard time remembering to eat more than once per day. I don't mean's just how it happens.