Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

After this past week I was truly afraid to hop on the scale. K and I have been putting off our monthly trip to the grocery store for the past 2 weeks and so we basically had nothing in the house to eat. We solved this issue by eating out. One night we ordered in pizza, another night we ordered in chinese, and another night we got subways. Granted, I did eat smartly and didn't overeat or eat anything TERRIBLY bad for me, but it was definitely more ordering out than I was used to. So anyway, I thought surely I would gain. My eating was terrible, my water intake was a joke, and well, everything else was just uncool...except for exercise. Of course I got my hour in daily. I never deviate from that one.

I weighed in this morning, gritting my teeth, squinting and peeking through my almost-closed eyelids at the dreaded number...

I lost 1/2 of a pound. Usually this would be kind of a bummer for me, but after this past week? Miraculous!

We've since done our grocery shopping, the house is full of good and healthy things, and I've vowed that my water intake is going to improve 110% this coming week. So, next week I just know the number lost will be immensely larger. This week...I gained by a small loss. I won the small battle by a minute margin, and I will DEFINITELY win the war!
