Monday, December 20, 2010

Over the past 20 years it's been beaten into us that smoking around children/babies is wrong. My question is...if you smoke, do you do so around your indoor pets? Do you believe that their health balances precariously, just as small children's does, in your hands, or is an animal's health less important because, after all, it IS just an animal?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one...and please vote in the embedded poll!


If you have indoor pets, do you smoke around them?


Anonymous said...

I think that if you are going to smoke, you DO NOT smoke around children, people who don't smoke, or animals, whether they are indoor or outdoor. I hate when people have pets and treat them like they are just decor. My animals are my babies. But that is just me. said...

I smoked for YEARS. I quit about 6 years ago and so did my husband.
We always smoked outside.
I am one that gives my dogs vitamins and I don't take them.They are also fed exspensive food.
One of my pomeranians is 12 years old and healthy and I have a 16 year old cat who you would think is still a kitten if not for her grey whiskers.

TinaM said...

I don't smoke, but even if I did I KNOW I wouldn't ever do in the house around my child or pets.

It's funny you did this, because I just got done telling my mom that all the smoke isn't good for her dog!!!

TinaM said...

Oh, I agree with Trisha. With everything that is known about 2nd hand smoke, people should NOT smoke around non smokers either!