Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekly Update - Hot 100

Hey everyone! So it's been a week since Thanksgiving, and even with my waning enthusiasm, I still lost over 3 pounds, to put me below where I was before the holiday. I'm at my lowest weight by 1.5 pounds that I've been since this attempt at getting healthy. I only have 2 more pounds until I hit the big 5-0. I'm ready to pass it and get on with the next big milestone of 1-0-0!!! Now that will be fun!

As for my goals, as much as I wasn't feeling it this whole week, I still got on the treadmill and did my hour of cardio. I amp'ed up my regime by adding extreme inclines, then a smaller incline, then über steep again. I'm really trying to work my quads, hams, and gluts by doing that, because, as we all know, muscles burn calories faster! I'm gonna have a J-Lo butt before all is said and done, at this rate! But least she's still a size 6!!!

I'm doing super great in school...I had a math test last Thursday and I believe I did pretty well. I'm not going to assume much, though, as the last time that I assumed, I didn't do as well as I expected! Hopefully we'll have our grades back on Tuesday so I can know for sure.

My water intake has waned a little this past week, and I'm really making an effort to step it up again. I think that by doing that, that I'll be able to lose more quicker.

So there you have it. My weekly update...and as much as I was dreading getting on the scale this morning, it's all turned out for the good.