Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello...I'm Fat, people!

OK, sometimes I really get irritated when a conversation goes something like this.

Friend: We should go to an amusement park sometime.
Me: Nah.  They're no fun when I can't ride the rides.
Friend: Why can't you ride the rides?
Me: Because my ass doesn't fit in the seats.
Friend: Why?
Me (with a disgusted look on my face): Hellooooooo...I'm fat!!!

Being fat is a fact of life.  I can say the word without getting embarrassed or pissy about it.  And I expect those around me to be able to do the same.  I's obvious.  It's not a secret that I'm trying to hide.  How can I?!  I'm 150 pounds overweight.  It's a LIT-TLE hard to hide that, don't you think?

So why do my friends (or acquaintance--because we DID establish in previous posts that I have no friends here) get all squeamish or uncomfortable when I say it?  If anyone feels that way should it not be me?  Take a page from my book, my friend, and just accept it.  News flash!  I KNOW I'M FAT!!!!!!


Rose Young said...

It's even more annoying when you crack a fat joke at your own expense and your friends try to reassure you. Like if you just bought the right pair of jeans, your ass would no longer be a mile wide. It's false, and cruel.

Shauna said... ass would be a mile wide in ANY pair of jeans right now!