Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hot 100-Weekly Update

I've been participating in the Hot 100 for the past several weeks...and for those of you who are too lazy to click on any links or icons on my blog, it's basically just giving people an opportunity to set and achieve goals for the remaining 100 days of the year.  It's a contest held by Steve over at LogMyLoss.

Anyway, my goals are as follows:

Drink at least 2½ Litres of water each day...I had been struggling with this one, but I made a concentrated effort this week to "git 'er done" and I did!  I finally had a week where I got all the water in that I wanted to get in...each day!

I've also set the goal to continue my daily exercise, and that one I've had no trouble with.  I don't allow myself to not do it just because I don't feel like it...I do it every day but Sunday (I give myself one day each week of rest).  So far this goal has been, by far, the easiest one to achieve.

The final goal that I set for myself was to do as well as possible with school while also maintaining a happy family,  So far I'm doing pretty good in that arena, as well.  Doing really well in math...and, as always, great in English. 

If you're older and considering whether or not you should go back to school for whatever reason...I'm a strong advocate!  I was a little nervous before my first semester back...but now I'm just having so much fun learning!


Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

Nice job on the exercise! Good for you!

South Beach Steve said...

Grats on all your goals, especially achieving #1!