Monday, June 21, 2010


OK, so maybe not this particular "shake" but this morning's was!

I'm back on the Isagenix after being off for about a month due to...well, you guys all know.

I'm starting over, too.  Mostly cuz I'm off of my meds now...and the fact that I've been off for a month.  It's a good time to just anew.

Ya know...I'd be happy to just lose 10 pounds and get below 300, right now!  I don't like being over the big 3.

Anyhoo...I'm drinking my afternoon "shake" and I've added my daily veggies to it tastes kinda...well, green.  For lack of a better word.  It's not disgusting...but it's not yummy to the tummy, either.  Haha.

Anyway, just updating.  I also updated the ticker at the top...after all this time I'm only starting a pound heavier than the last time that I'd weighed.  Not too bad.  I feel a lot heavier...I feel bloated.  Bleah.